What does it mean to be a Tactical Teammate?

Tactical Teammate - 3What does it mean to be a Tactical Teammate?

It seems everywhere we look these days there is someone or something advertising a new product that is tactical. It seems to me that it is just a good way to charge a little more or to make something a little more interesting. One of the best definitions of Tactical that I have seen is this: “of, relating to, used in or involving small military operations, typically close to the base, with speed and efficiency and with less long term significance”. My background dictates that I have a slightly different definition, so I say tactical is having definite and specific goals, or being of a specific military or military-like design.

So I am sure you are asking; “What does this have to do with being a team mate? Or how can I apply this thinking to my team?” Let’s look at it from two ways, the corporate world, and our families.

As leaders what would this look like if we applied this way of thinking to our corporate teams? Could we make monotonous meetings quicker and more effective if people didn’t come to meetings just for the food? What if everyone took a tactical approach and brought short concise notes and questions? How about making sure our teams had and knew exactly what their goals were and how to achieve them?

I think having a tactical approach to developing future leaders is just as important. Can we prepare direct and lead future leaders without being overpowering? Should we allow them to make their own decisions and mistakes? So from a corporate stand point does being “Tactical” mean that we are decisive, we say what we mean, do what we say and we maintain our chain of command? I think it does. And if it does, how would this improve our relationships at work?

Tactical Teammate - 1What does a tactical approach to family life look like? Is it running the house like a boot camp? I don’t think so. But it is having the same rules for everybody all the time. Is there value in having a tactical approach to our children? Maybe there is sometimes. As much as they need love and tenderness, I feel as though children strive when they have a complete understanding of the rules, the consequences and our expectations of them. As leaders in our home, we have a considerable amount of responsibilities, having a tactical approach to some may have benefits.

My guess is that many of our readers may have a tactical approach to many aspects of their lives and don’t even realize it. How many of us have a specific time and place for our kids to do homework? Does anyone get out there main course for dinner before you leave for work? Does anyone “cover their kid’s six” after they drop them off at school? All of these are examples of being a Tactical Teammate.

I suggest spending some quality time at the office and at home, looking at where having definite and specific goals, or being of a specific military or military-like design could help us achieve greater results.

I thank you for your time and appreciate you allowing me to ramble on in this week’s On The Team Tuesday.


Photo credit: enigmabadger / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA
Photo credit: OregonDOT / Foter / CC BY
Photo credit: U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

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I am a Christian, a Husband and a Father, in that order. Leadership is important to me, because I see too many outside influences acting on the lives of my children, and I need support to make sure I am the most dominant influence. I appreciate your feedback and enjoy reading your input. Thanks in advance for being part of this endeavor.

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