It is a simple one and you have already figured it out. As leaders, you and I are responsible for our “pages.” You and I are responsible for leaving an obvious trail for them to follow. But beyond that, you and I are responsible for making the journey easier for those that follow us.
But here is the important question for today. Where are your footprints leading?
Where will your footprints take those that will follow you? And make no mistake. Your children are watching you and following you. Leadership says, “Follow me.” So, let me speak to the men and the fathers who will read this today. Lead your family to the manger today. It is not enough to send them off on their own to find the manger and worship the newborn King.
Lead them to the manger today. And leave big and obvious footprints along the way so that those who follow you will not get lost nor will they struggle to keep up with you.
Merry Christmas from Kevin Bowser and all your friends at Leadership Voices.
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