Not that I have already attained . . .

Not that I have already attainedI had a chance to have an early morning with a very dear friend this morning. He and I have known each other since soon after we moved to Texas. We get together on a somewhat regular basis. He is a great guy, a great husband and great father.  He is great representative of his company.  He is not a reader of this blog. Well, at least he hasn’t been, but I am working on him.

He reminded me this morning of the humbling nature of being a blogger on the topic of leadership. I do not put myself forward as a great leader and therefore you should read my blog. But, rather, I put myself forward as someone who is striving to be a great leader and someone who his striving to inspire others to greatness.

There is a verse in the New Testament of the Bible that sort of seems to fit the way I feel today.

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. – Philippians 3:12

Does that make sense to you?

Oh, and one more thing.  We have a great “Fatherhood Friday” article coming out tomorrow.  Please come back tomorrow and see what one of our authors has to say.


Photo credit: Potesara / / CC BY-SA