Let’s keep this simple. In our busy world, we can get trapped with rushing children to this event and then to the next. It can be exhausting. It can be costly and it can consume a once healthy marriage. You can easily find yourself living for the kids.
One technique we like to utilize in our house is the word, No. Say no to extra things in the schedule. As leader of the house, men, we need to help prioritize the schedule. I would like to share the following advise I received as a young married husband to you. I don’t know if this is in some Gary Smalley book or Marriage enrichment book…I don’t have time to read that drivel. All I know is that what I’m about to share with you works.
Ready? Here it is:
Dialogue daily. Date Weekly. Depart Monthly.
Dialogue daily. Men initiate a daily conversation with your spouse. Call her if you’re running late. Text her. Message her. Just talk to her. Don’t lose the original dialogue you had when you pursued her.
Date weekly. Court your wife. Find a sitter and take her out. Make excuses to get alone with your spouse. Go to a movie. Dinner. Most likely your spouse is a sure thing. But plan a night out. You do all the planning. It can be as easy as a quick jaunt to Starbucks. Just do it. Go back to those days when you were dating and as soon as you left her presence…you couldn’t wait to see her again. Also, double date. Encourage another couple to join you. There are some strained marriages needing a breather as well.
Depart Monthly. Get out of Dodge once a month. Not a huge vacation. Make a day trip to Llano for barbecue as a day trip. Go to Galveston. Just get away for awhile.
The benefits are amazing. Your offspring see the most healthy relationship between the two of you. Boys and Girls see a Father in love with their Mother. It’s good stuff. Once again…have fun with it. Say no to Baseball practice or Scout Meeting, or ballet….and yes to dinner with the Spouse.
And by the way…spare me the comments on Gary Smalley. It is a preference. Get off this blog and talk to your spouse.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.