Josh is wild and crazy and has only been successfully controlled by one being, the Lord Jesus Christ. A lover of a good story, Josh loves many things. His interests stretch from comic books to movies of all kinds as well as a variety of sports. As someone who is currently attending Olivet Nazarene University studying to be a Youth Pastor, it is impossible in his mind to separate faith and leadership.
He is so blessed to have this opportunity with Leadership Voices to not only give his views of certain aspects of leadership but also to use this as an opportunity to learn from those with far more experience than he is.
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Josh is wild and crazy and has only been successfully controlled by one being, the Lord Jesus Christ. A lover of a good story, Josh loves many things. His interests stretch from comic books to movies of all kinds as well as a variety of sports. As someone who is currently attending Olivet Nazarene University studying to be a Youth Pastor, it is impossible in his mind to separate faith and leadership.
He is so blessed to have this opportunity with Leadership Voices to not only give his views of certain aspects of leadership but also to use this as an opportunity to learn from those with far more experience than he has.