Passenger Van

Passenger Van SeatsConsider for a moment that we are all on a journey and we are travelling in a van.  There is seat for everyone.  With this in mind, think about what seat you would choose to sit in if you could choose any seat that you wanted?  Would it be the driver’s seat,  the passenger’s seat, the middle seats, or the back seats?

The passenger’s seat would allow you to co-pilot the van, hold the map, and give guidance in reaching predetermined destinations.

The middle seats allow you to be surrounded by people so you can be the life of the party.  You have many opportunities to socialize with everyone.

The back seat allows you to be secluded to an extent.  No one is behind you and you can take it easy.  There is more time for observing and thinking while seated in the back.

The driver’s seat is

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Leaders, Who needs ’em?


Why do I need a leader? They just get in the way, I don’t need anyone telling me what to do, or leading me. I am the master of my own universe; I decide what I do, when I do and how I do it. If I want someone else’s opinion I will ask for it.

I spent 18 years trying to get away from my parents leadership, now I got cops, politicians, God and a boss setting rules, who needs another one. I follow my own rules, I follow my own path, I don’t need you.

I’ve read stories about great leaders like General Custer who LEAD his troops to a slaughter, and I have read in the Bible where it says in Luke chapter 22, verse 26: “…Let the greatest among you become the youngest and the leader as the one who serves, “ and didn’t Lot let his wife get turned into a pillar of salt? As I look around the world, it is full of

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Are you a Visionary?

Eyeglasses Proverbs 29_18Looking to the start of 2013 I find myself reflecting on a passage that you hear occasionally at this time of year.  Here is that often misquoted or misused scripture – “Where there is no vision, the people perish”.  It is found in the Old Testament in Proverbs 29:18.  It is used many times from the pulpit to exhort us to catch the vision that the pastor has seen and to press us onward to the destination seen in the vision.

But I submit to you that there is a BIG difference between being a visionary and being a leader.

A visionary is

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