Can a leader be everything to everybody on your team?
First of all I hope everyone had as good of a Thanksgiving as I had. I love the opportunity to be surrounded by family and friends and the copious amount of food doesn’t hurt either. As I sit at my desk on this first Monday in December, I am thinking about the additional fun my extended family had at the Renaissance Festival yesterday. I am looking at a picture that was taken as we entered the gates, and was struck by what other people may think is an odd grouping for a family. I have three kids, all girls, ages 25, 11 and 9. Yes 25. She actually has little ones of her own now.
So I was thinking, does my leadership reach everyone on my team, the way I intend it too? Does it need too? How can I change to make sure I am leading everyone effectively? Do I need too? Finally as a leader is it my responsibility to conform to everyone on my team’s needs?
I do my very best to treat everyone on my team the same way. But we all know that really is not possible, I mean you can’t treat your children as you would treat your wife. And you most certainly can’t treat your grandchildren the same way you treat your children……Or can you?
I have always said great leaders lead from the front, and I always want to be a good example. However as I look back at our family outing on Sunday, and realize I spoiled my children and grandchildren. I am thinking that was not the best example to set for them or their parents. I feel as though I need to take every opportunity to teach a lesson, and maybe I missed on. It was money I had put away for this, but no one but my wife knew that. Does my spending money, set a bad example for my daughter and her significant other that may not have it to spend? As a leader should I have exhibited more restraint and said no more….Or did I miss an opportunity to explain to them that I tried to prepare properly because I knew this outing would be expensive?
Trying to be a good example to a young man that intends to marry my daughter is difficult, I say that because I somewhat expect his father to be his example, but I cannot assume that can I? I ask that, because I find myself being a little stricter toward my younger kids when the grand-kids and their parents are around. I tell myself I am doing this to try and show them how to be a good parent, but changing my stance on things when they are around isn’t good parenting.
I don’t want this to be about money and budgeting, because The Lord knows that is not my expertise. I just need to feel like I am reaching everyone on my team, that my lessons are good ones, and that they are understandable to everyone.
Lastly I ask you, Do I need to alter my leadership tactics to reach everyone? As a leader is it my responsibility to conform to everyone on my team’s needs? After all I do know a little about overcoming, adapting and improvising.
Photo credit: Jeff Kubina / / CC BY-SA
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