Everyone loves to have a new beginning.
To be sure, we all need new beginnings.
Some come everyday. Some come during certain seasons in life.
A new beginning is the end of what has come before and starting on the path to what is next.
Spring is a season of new beginnings. After the winter when everything has either died or gone dormant, Spring is the time when things are “reborn”, “revitalized” or “reawakened”.
Spring is when Easter is as well. Easter is the time when we remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He died so that we might have new beginnings. He rose again so that we might have new beginnings. Jesus’ death and resurrection are all about us closing the door on the past sins, failures and dead-ends and receiving His free gift of new life!
Since this is Easter weekend it seems fitting to consider the new beginnings available to us.
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