If you don’t like to buy books in print editions, then I have great news for you! You can now get The Emotionally Agile Leader in Nook and in Kindle versions right now.
These electronic versions have just been released by the publisher and they are in pre-sales mode just like the print version. So, the ebooks will be arriving on your ereaders on October 1, 2018 for any purchases made between now and release date. The book is doing very well in pre-sales and we are processing a couple of bulk orders by leaders who want to distribute this book within their organizations to really impact their leadership teams.
What is the book about?
We live in a chaotic world. Some of us are called to leadership positions in the midst of that chaos. How will we act and react? The leaders who will succeed in these times are the ones who are emotionally agile. That is the basis for The Emotionally Agile Leader.
We must not merely adapt. We must be agile. Adaptive does indeed indicate a change. But the change can be imperceptibly slow. The change can be evolutionary and not revolutionary. It can be like a giant battleship or aircraft carrier. These ships must have the ability to turn and maneuver. And they do. They just can’t do it fast. It takes time and distance to turn a giant ship around.
Contrast that with the image of a Vietnam era “swift boat.” These boats were small shallow-draft vessels used to patrol the coastal and inland waterways of the Mekong Delta. As their name would indicate, they were small, fast, and highly maneuverable craft.
In The Emotionally Agile Leader you will get:
- A refresher on Emotional Intelligence
- A call to introspection as a means of identifying the key emotions that drive our behaviors
- Tools to manage your own emotions that affect your leadership abilities
- Habits to form to increase your leadership abilities
- And an invitation and methodology to create more emotionally agile leaders as you mentor other leaders around you
Print or eBook?
Whatever your favorite mode to consume great leadership content, we have you covered. Want it in paperback? We got you covered! Want it on your eReader? We got you covered!
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