Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership Workshop
Really looking forward to talking about one of my favorite leadership topics – Servant Leadership. I have the great opportunity to speak to a room full of marketing professionals about how servant leadership may transform their organizations.

Servant Leadership Workshop on August 17th at 1:30pm at SMPS Build Business 2018 in San Diego, CA at the fabulous Marriott Marquis at the Marina.
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Kevin Bowser Finalizes Book Deal

Today was a great day for me and for Leadership Voices, LLC. This afternoon I completed the negotiation and finalized the contract to write a book with the help and support of all the great folks at Lucid Books.
I am humbled and honored to be a part of the great family of authors and writers that have been published by Lucid Books. Casey Cease has built an incredible team. They have been unbelievably helpful as I began the process of developing another writing project. They have coached and encouraged me and they have also provided valuable insights and guidance as I am working my way through the process.

If you have ever thought about writing a book, or you have a book idea in your head that you have not taken beyond the idea phase, please talk to the great team at Lucid Books and experience the joy of working with the great professionals that are there to help you get your idea out of your head and into a book.
Watch for more news to come as this book project takes shape.
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New eBook – 4 Resolutions Every Leader Should Make – is now available!
Kevin Bowser’s latest eBook is now available for free download at his NoiseTrade site. This book is a collection of the first series of articles that appeared on the website starting January 1, 2016. This series dealt with the importance of establishing and writing down 4 specific resolutions that every leaders should make this year.

It is a very short book and will help you keep those first five articles in a handy format to reference throughout this year. You can get the ebook for free at Kevin’s NoiseTrade Author Site and you can get it for FREE.
Just click the link below and go directly to the NoiseTrade site and download your copy in either Kindle or Nook format.
Thanks again to my editor, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, for her work and for helping correct the grammar errors that I seem to keep making over and over again!
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Leadership Voices is Taking a Sabbatical
In the almost 3 years that Leadership Voices has been blending various voices of leadership into a message of hope and encouragement, we have grown and attracted a following of nearly 2,200 folks who share our passion. And each of you have made us sharper through your comments and your feedback. But, in order to remain a great resource on the subject of leadership, we are going to be taking a sabbatical leave to re-evaluate our web presence, our content, our focus, and our brand.
During that time, I would invite you to remain tied in to the various well known and big name thinkers within the leadership movement. But, I also want to invite you to get connected with someone who I believe is on the leading edge of servant leadership and becoming, what Rodney Mills calls, a Transformational Servant Leader.

Click this link to get connected with
But stay tuned and check back here from time to time over the next 6 weeks to see how we are progressing.
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Leadercast has a new Silver Sponsor!

Leadership Voices, LLC is proud to announce
that we will be a Silver Sponsor
at this year’s Leadercast.
Leadership Voices, LLC will be partnering with Centrifuge Leadership, LLC to present the Leadercast simulcast in The Woodlands this year.
The lineup this year is outstanding and you won’t want to miss this exciting and inspirational time. It will also be a great opportunity to network with other leaders. Continuing education CEUs are available. And your ticket price includes a great Chick-fil-a breakfast and lunch.
And there is one more thing. If you use the Promo Code VOICES15 when you register, you will receive a special discount. But you have to use that promo code. Click this link below and register while there is still special Early Bird pricing available. Use that promo code and get an additional discount off the early bird pricing. You can use the promo code any time you register. But you increase your discount if you register soon!
Click HERE to register for Leadercast 2015.

Here is that link one more time.
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Most Read Article on

Perhaps it is appropriate that this article Mahatma Gandhi – A Quiet Leader, became the single most searched for and read article on while I have been here in Bangalore, India this week. As I was reviewing some recent web traffic statistics and analytics I saw that an article that I wrote back in February of 2013 has become the most popular article on the entire site. So, perhaps now would be a good time for you to read it if you are new to LeadershipVoices in the recent months. Gandhi appeared in another article one year later and you may want to check it out as well.
Click here to see the first article as it first appeared on February 13, 2013. And click here to see the second article that appeared on February 12, 2014 where there was a comparison drawn to a couple of quotes. One from Mahatmas Gandhi and one from former Soviet leader, Boris Yeltsin.
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Commenting Just Got Easier
Commenting just got easier with the installation of Disqus, the premier blog comment hosting service for web sites and online communities.

Disqus gives you a voice. About the stories that shape your life, on the sites you love, on your terms. And it makes it easier for you to interact with us and the other sites that you already interacting with on a daily basis. We hope it makes your user experience better.
There may be a few bumps in the road as we integrate this new tool. So, please be patient and please try it out and leave a comment to make sure it is working for you. And please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the new Disqus integration.
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Join Our New Group on LinkedIn

Please check out the newest leadership group on LinkedIn. Leadership Voices, LLC has created a group called the Legacy Leadership Collective for all who are interested in the kind of legacy leadership principles that you will find here. Check out the new group and join if you are on LinkedIn. It will be a great way for us to stay connected.
Click Here To Visit The LinkedIn Group
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New Website is LIVE!

Hey, thanks for being patient this afternoon. But I think that it has been worth the wait. The new website went live a few minutes before 6PM Central time and we are very excited about it.
Please take a look at the new website and leave us a comment with your thoughts and suggestions.
Photo credit: dan taylor / Foter / CC BY
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