This has been a very big year for Leadership Voices. And the response to the things that have appeared this year has been very gratifying. We feel that we have seen many folks visiting the site that have truly embraced the many facets of leadership.
The list below is the Top 20 articles that were viewed this year on the web site. They have very different titles and have unique points of view. Several of them were published in 2013, and one was from our first year in 2012, yet they are still being viewed because folks are finding them via various internet search terms and phrases.
Here they are in order by most views in 2014.
Mohatma Gandhi – A Quiet Leader
God and Dr. Pepper
Can You Have Success In Leadership Without Structure?
What Happens When You Put a Bunch of Leaders in One Room?
Battlestar Voices, the Skirmish with the Fifth “S”
Three Ways to Spot a Leader Wannabe
Leadership Lessons from Finding Nemo
Can You Have Success In Leadership Without Struggle?
Is Leadership Static or Dynamic?
You Can Only Steer A Moving Ship
“Help Ever – Hurt Never” and the Lost Skill of Discernment
The Modern Sheepdog
Baidu and the Persistent Pursuit of Leadership
5 Qualities of an Effective Team Mate
Leadership is . . . Saying you’re sorry
Leadership on a Hope and a Prayer
My Greatest Organization and Productivity Booster for 2015
Advantages and Disadvantages of Being on a Team
Five Skills You Need to Be a Better Up-Front Leader
The Big Let Down
I hope you have had a chance to see each of these from this “Top 20”. And more than that, I hope you will join us in 2015 and see what our team will have for you this year.